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摘要:物价,已成为当前社会上的热门话题.有民意调查说,“全国9成以上居民无法接受目前的物价上涨幅度.物价的上涨直接影响着居民的生活,导致低收入水平的家庭生活水平和生活质量下降”.物价水平的连续上涨,其原因是多方面的.治理物价水平的连续上涨是一个系统工程,既要抓住重点,又要进行综合治理,既要有长期持久的措施,又要采取应急措施.本文以物价上涨为主题,分析物价上涨的多方面原因及最根本原因,并浅析物价上涨对居民生活的影响及对策 .
关键词:物价上涨 居民生活 因素 原因 影响 对策
人气:148 ℃ 时间:2020-04-16 10:05:42
Main point:Consumer prices had become a hot topic of the population these days,According the survey,95% of the nation's population can not afford the rate of inflation any more.The price increases are directly affecting people's life.Leading to those low income families' living standard to fall.There are several reasons for the ever increasing prices.To tackle this inflation problem requires systematic solutions.Measures must have for both the main problems and an over all solution.And should have both short and long term plans.Emergency steps must be taken right now.
This topic mainly talks about inflation,inflation analysis,every reasons and its core reason which lead to the inflation.And mention about how inflations are affecting people's life and possible way of solving the the problems
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