> 英语 >
1.他喝醉了吐了一地 / 吐了我一身
2 他喝醉了,走不了路 我们把他送回家了 / 我们开车把他送回家了
3 他喝醉了,不能开车 让他的朋友替他开车.
4 他喝醉了,找不到回家的路,只好打出租车.
5 酒后驾驶车辆是一种犯罪,要被拘留15天,罚款500元,驾驶执照暂时扣留3个月,还要被扣12分
6 我请你喝一杯酒 // 我请你喝一杯橙汁
7 我已经喝了很多了,不能再喝了./ 还可以再喝点
8 我再也不喝酒了,喝醉了太难受
9 不要闯红灯,那样不但危险,被抓@到也很麻烦
人气:198 ℃ 时间:2020-03-18 12:38:52
1." He got drunk and threw up all over the ground."
" He got drunk and threw up on me."
2."He was so drunk that he couldn't even walk.So we sent him home." / So we drove him home."
3." He was too drunk to drive his car.So he had his friends driven for him."
4." He had to take a taxi because he was too drunk to find the way home."
5." It is a guilt to drive after drinking,The driver who commit it will be detained for 15 days,be fined for 500 yuan,with the driving licence being temporarily withheld for 3 months,as well as to be deducted 12 points."
6" I'd like to buy you a glass of wine./ May I treat you a glass of orange juice?"
7." I have drunk enough,no more for me./ I can still drink some more."
8." I won't drink alcohol any more.I feel so bad if I've got drunk."
9." Don't jump the red light,otherwise you'll be in danger and in trouble if you'fe got caught by the police."
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