I would say your score for this essay would be from 5.5 to 6.To reach 6.5 ,you need fewer grammatical errors.the overall essay structure is very clear.Some band 7 words have been attempted in using.As...请问一下文章中主要的语法错误是什么?因为我几乎完全搞不清语法,怎么才能在短时间内提升呢?还有十几天就要考试了啊~~Taking a comparatively steady job renders the employee feel pleasant.take 用词不当This kind of sense will make the workers identify themselves as contributable persons or valuable persons.this kind of sense,,inappropriate usage Every single person is focus on if he or she gets the fair treatment --focus onfocus is a verb..先提出这几点,以前有没有考过? 请问你想要考多少分? message me in case you need further help以前考过,那次考前也上过培训班,就感觉阅读、听力都挺有效果的,口语和
作文不行。学校要求单科最低6啊~ 马上就要考试了,真不知道怎么办~~自己练作文写完需要找人改 知错改错 方能不错 不错进步 进步提分 如此道理 至简至明 如是行之 分必提升六分不难 难在精确 精确不难 难在知错 知错不难 难在改正 知错能改 必超六段