The lighting power consumption of the world power 20%,equivalent to a day to burn 600000 tons of coal.Thesepower in 40% are old-fashioned incandescent bulbsconsume.The consumption of incandescent power arewasted in heat generation,really for the lighting part is very small.
Energy saving lamp is the ideal substitute for common incandescent lamp is energy-saving emission reductionsituation,not only to save electricity,and the service life isseveral times more than incandescent lamp.Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) is very energy-saving.Compared with incandescent lamp,compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)can save 75% to 80% of the electricity in the same light,and the use of incandescent lamp life is 10 times.Compact fluorescent lamp cost is three to five times of the incandescent lamp,but the power is the use ofincandescent lamp 1/4,and the service life will be longer.