默默无闻 unknown to public
畅销歌曲 hit songs
动人的旋律 engaging melody
历尽沧桑 After ups-and-downs of life
发人深省 set people thinking
悲叹命运 complain about one's destiny
彷徨 walk back and forth]
珍惜自己拥有的 cherish what you have
放浪形骸 wild oats
用来欺骗自己的幻想 just to self-deceive (fantasy)
或许下一回你必须做出另外一种选择的时候,你得审慎的仔细思考了.maybe you need to think it over when you have to do another choice.
有时候,不妨仔细的想一想,如果那些抉择所带来的后果并不是你所希望得到的,sometimes,maybe you need to think it over if these choice is not what you want
所谓“自由”,眼前的享乐 what is called "freedom"is enjoyment before sight.