1 他在帮jack 刮胡子 / 帮jack理发
He is helping Jack shave his mustache / helping Jack cut his hair.
2 他在帮妈妈染发 :He is helping his mom dye her hair.
3 别烦我,我在理发呢 / 我在理发呢 :Don't bother me,I'm getting a haircut.
3 他要把妈妈头发染成黑颜色的 :He is going to dye his mom's hair black.
4 他现在没有工作了,父母经常催促他,可他一点也不着急.
He is unemployed and his parents often urge him to seek jobs,but he isn't anxious at all.
5.我自己给自己理发 / 我把自己的头发剪掉了 :I'm cutting my own hair / I cut off my own hair.
6 我要去收水费 / 收电费 :I'm going to collect the water bill / electricity bill
7 我是来检查 电表 / 水表的 :I'm here to check the energy / water meter.
8 他和我一样爱逛街 / 爱看电影 :He likes [shopping] / [watching movies] as much as I do.
和某人一样.:He ____ as ____ as I do.
如 :He eats as much as I do / He runs as fast as I do / He hates her as much as I do.