The instrumentation comprised EG&G Model 273 Potentiostat/Galvanostat
with IR compensation option,a computer,and a printer.A stainless
steel frame was used as counter electrode.Fig.2 is a schematic representation
of the test setup.The potential scan was applied at an incremental
rate of 0.2 mV/sec in the range (E .- 250 mV) to (E .+ 250 mV).IR
drops between the reference and the working electrode (steel embedded in
concrete) are automatically compensated for by the system using current-interrupt technique.
人气:133 ℃ 时间:2020-03-31 20:38:59
该仪表包括EG&G 型273恒压恒流器,并配有IR补偿选项、电脑和打印机.对电极采用不锈钢钢框.图2是整个测试过程图解.使用增速为0.2 mV/sec的 (E .- 250 mV) to (E .+ 250 mV).范围潜力扫描.参照物与工作电极(嵌入混凝土...
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