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翻译一段英语 越详细越好
Good afternoon, everybody and welcome to this class on English words. I hope that all of you can hear me. If not, please let me know. I am Pref. John Morris. I’ll be your teacher for the next 13 weeks. As you can probably tell, this is one of popular and crowded classes. Indeed, every time these courses are offered, this room is very full. Why is that? Well, in order to use the English language, it’s very important to have at least a basic understanding of how words are formed. Just to mention one figure, and there are many. There are about one million words in English. If you are an English learner, you might wonder how you can possibly remember all of these words. Well, for one thing you don’t have to. No native speaker exists who knows all of the words in the English language. Besides there are shortcuts. Shortcuts? Yes, for example, if you know how words are formed by using parts of words from other languages, such Greek and French, you’ll understand a good number of English words when you first come across them. Let me put it this way. Knowing the rules will help you master a large number of words. This is probably the No. 1 reason why this class is so popular.
人气:375 ℃ 时间:2020-06-03 09:46:32
下午好,欢迎每个来上英语单词课的同学.我希望大家可以听得见我说话.如果听不清,请告诉我一下.我是John Morris教授,在未来13个星期我将作为你们的老师.正如你们所知道的,这是一门受欢迎的、很多人来听的课.事实上,每次上课的时候,教室都坐满了人.这是为什么呢?为了熟练的使用英语,对单词形成的词源和词根等最基本元素的了解非常重要.只是举个数字列举一下,其实还有很多,英语单词大约有一百万.如果你是一个学英语的人,你们也许在想——怎么可能记住这么多单词.其实,有些单词你们不须要记的.没有哪个母语是英语的人能够记住这所有的单词.除了有捷径.捷径?是的,例如,如果你知道这些单词是如何形成的,换言之,部分来自从其他的语言,如希腊语和法语,你就会记住相当数目的英语单词即使是你第一次接触到他们.让我们按照这样的方法学习.这些规律将帮助你掌握了大量的单词.这是我的课程如此受欢迎的首要原因.
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