1.private businessmen ,striving to make profits,produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen;and the profit motive,operating under competition pressures,largely determines how these goods and services are produced.
其中,striving to make profits是做伴随状语还是做定语,operating under competition pressures做什么成分?我觉得striving to make profits伴随状语而operating under competition pressures作定语 但是后面的and说明是做一样的成分啊,应该怎么判断是做伴随状语还是定语呢?
2.if,on the other hand ,producing more of a commodity results in reduceing its cost,this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers,which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.其中which该怎样理解?
3.the important factor in a private-enterprise economy is that indivadual are allowed to own productive resources ,and they are permitted to hire labor ,gain control over natural resources,and produce goods and services for sale at a profit.这个句子中的gain control over natural resources前面是不是省去了一个to?
人气:424 ℃ 时间:2019-10-19 23:08:50
1 定语.语感.这句话象中文的排比句,2个ING都是紧跟前面的名词,所以是定语.你看看去掉以后如果对全文理解完全产生影响就是状语,只对部分名词产生理解影响就是定语.2 which就是increase the supply offered by seller-...
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