> 英语 >
人气:468 ℃ 时间:2019-11-06 16:14:54
My dear Lisa,
For quite sometime you had not been coming to school but,I did not know that you were taken ill.Quite a few times I asked your brother why you were absent from school and he just very casually told me that you were not well,so,I did not care about it all.Today when I asked your brother he told me that you have been hospitalised for the last two days.Hearing this I got upset and here I write this letter to you hoping that,on reading it you will cheer up.
Dear friend brave as you are do not lose heart or get upset I am sure you will be out of the hospital very soon and be with us again.Do not worry about your studies,I will be maintaining record of all that your class does in your absence,and even take the notes from your class boys.
Within a day or two I will come to see you at the hospital,and I am sure by then you will have mostly recovered.Keep heart friend,these ups and downs are what life is made of.Cheer up,I know you are very brave and will be able to encounter this attack with the spirit of a brave person.I will also pray to God to help you recover and also to grant you strength to bear it all.
Take rest and take care and keep heart.I will come to see you very soon.
Till then best wishes and good cheer dear.With love and best wishes.
Your friend,
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