(1)this bank the going to bus is (2)swimming the pool to we're going (3)are Gogo's these fingers
(4)movie they going the theater to are (5)can't you at beach ice skate the (6)hobby my comic is reading book
人气:439 ℃ 时间:2020-03-31 07:01:33
1) This is the bus going to bank 这是去银行的公交2)We're going to the swimming pool 我们要去游泳池3) These fingers are Gog's 这些是Gog的手指4)They are going to the movie theater 他们要去电影院5) You can't skate ice at the beach 你不能在沙滩滑冰6) My hobby is reading comic book 我的爱好是看漫画书
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