Plz help me to translate the sentense as follows into chinese:
His plan was to resist every effort to coerce him to the last ditch.
And there are three "to" in the sentence,what are their meaning and effect.
And how to translate sentence like this structure fast and correctly.
My english is poor,i use english to submit this question to prevent a translate-machine.if you can understand what i am asking and know the answer,please reply me in chinese,any suggestion will be appreciated
我的意思是只要翻译His plan was to resist every effort to coerce him to the last ditch.这一句,并且告诉我这里面三个to的意思和用法,
人气:176 ℃ 时间:2020-06-25 23:15:58
his plan was to resist (every effort to coerce him) to (the last ditch)他的计划是抵抗所有逼迫他的企图直至最终他的计划是抵抗一切竭力逼迫他的功夫到最后防线last-ditch resistance is an idiom.was to resist...
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