AmosConnect Crew NOTE:The AmosConnect Crew system only accepts emails from shore to the vessel without attachments and in "Text/Plain" format.The AmosConnect Crew system also limits email messages received by our user on the vessel to 1,380 characters.When replying to our user,please do not include his original message to ensure your message would be processed properly and thus reach our user on the vessel.When sending your own message,please make sure to set your message sending format to "Text/Plain" and refrain from sending any attachments to ensure your message would be processed properly and thus reach our user on the vessel.
人气:364 ℃ 时间:2019-09-09 17:22:38
AmosConnect Crew系统只接受岸上发往船上的无附件的“文本/简单”格式的email电邮 AmosConnect Crew系统也同时限制船上收到的email信息内容不能超过1380个字符.当给我们的用户回复的时候,请不要包括这些原始信息,以...
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