> 英语 >
英语填空 将括号中单词的正确形式填入横线
1 more and more young people are learing____ (drive )cars 2 the doctor will advise you which medicine____ (take) first 3 he doesn't like ____(praise ) 4 we were having breakfast when i heard the telephone____ (ring) 5 the weather is too cold for them ____(go) out 6 it's great honour ____(invite) to your cooutry 7 she asked ____(send) ____(work )on a farm ater she finished her study at the college 8 my idea is to let Mrs black ____(take) over my work 9 she seemed ____(hear )about it already 10 the text is too long for her ____(learn )by heart
人气:113 ℃ 时间:2020-06-22 06:04:14
1 to drive 2 to take 3 to be priased 4 ringing 5 to go 6 to be invited 7 to be sent ;to work 8 to take 9 to have heard 10 to learn
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