> 英语 >
还有,翻译:some think that it is meaningless to keepan conscious person alive because he can never konw this ,instead , this machine only hurts the feeling of his family and friend . however ,other people hold the opposite opinion . they insist that one's lifecan not be announcedto an end so easily ,no one but the man himself has the right to do that . if hishis family asks the doctor not to use the machine and let him die ,the guilt of killinga personmight hauntthem forthe restof their lives.我是这么翻译的,我感觉特别扭,我的翻译内容如下:“一些人认为让一个失去意识的人继续活着是没有任何意义的,因为,他永远不知道这件事,相反,机器只会伤害她的家人和朋友,然而,其他人却持相反的观点,他们坚持认为,一个生命不能如此轻易的就逝去,除了他本人,没有任何人又那个资格这么做,此外,如果他的家人让医生不要用机器维持他的生命,让他死去,杀人的罪恶感会一辈子萦绕在他们的后半生,".w我把翻译拿给室友看,他们都说我翻译的简直是差劲极了,请高手指点下,我到底应该如何翻译,我也感觉自己的翻译却是差劲.特别是第一句,我根本就不明白英语是什么意思,because he can never konw this ,instead , this machine only hurts the feeling of his family and friend . however ,other people hold the opposite opini这句话最难翻译,高手指点一下啊,我给分!
人气:194 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 10:02:15
你第一句的conscious 是不是打错了?应该是unconscious吧.我把这段话的断句部分用//来表示出来,这样就不难理解了而且你的标点符号和大小写有错误,所以也加大了你理解的困难.some think that it is meaningless to keepan unconscious person alive because he can never konw this . // Instead , this machine only hurts the feeling of his family and friend . // However ,other people hold the opposite opinion . They insist that one's lifecan not be announcedto an end so easily ,no one but the man himself has the right to do that .// If hishis family asks the doctor not to use the machine and let him die , the guilt of killinga personmight hauntthem forthe restof their lives.以下是我的翻译:“一些人认为要保持一个无意识的人活着是毫无意义的,因为他可能永远都不知道这一点.恰恰相反,这种机器只会伤害他的家人和朋友的心.然而,其他人则持有相反的意见.他们坚持认为不能轻易宣布一个人的生命就此结束,只有这个人自己有权利这样做.如果他的家人叫医生不要使用这种机器来维持他的生命而就此让他死去的话,那么这种杀人的罪恶感可能会萦绕他们的余生.”
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