A xisit to Baiyun Mountain
We visted to Baiyun Mountain. In moring,we went to school at 8:00 a.m. Our went to Baiyun Mountain by bus.We often felt happy.I like the plan.After we went to Baiyun Mountain.Some are tookl photo.Some are singed . Some are played game;If you like take photo,you will go to Baiyun Mountain.There are very good photos.Everyone go to Baiyun Mountain.Youfeel is a happy.In Afernoon.We went to school at 5:00 p.m. in the yuntai garden.We had a good times .
人气:467 ℃ 时间:2019-10-25 16:54:49
A xisit to Baiyun Mountain
We visted to Baiyun Mountain.In moring,we went to school at 8:00 a.m.We went to Baiyun Mountain by bus.We felt happy.I like the plan.After we went to Baiyun Mountain.Many friend are took photo.Someone are singed .Someone are played game;If you like take photo,you will go to Baiyun Mountain.There are many good scenery .Everyone go to Baiyun Mountain can feel happy.In Afernoon.We went to school at 5:00 p.m.in the yuntai garden.We had a good times .
oh,I like Baiyun Mouyain very much .I can't forget this day.
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